Friday, March 11, 2011

MAJOR EARTHQUAKE STRUCK JAPAN!!!!! 8.8 Richters With Massive Amounts Of Damage!!!!!

They were very worried about the state of several of their nuclear plants but seem to have since gotten all of that under control. Tsunami alerts are now all around the shores of the Pacific including the West Coast of the United States and etc. Many, many aftershocks are following and will probably follow for quite a while yet.

Note that this is so huge of an earthquake event that there will do doubt be huge earthquakes also following practically everywhere or anywhere in the world!!! I will update this story later on today, there is just so much going on!!!

My own personal "EQ Alert" for California is as big as ever right now and will continue as previously posted up to March 17 and i want to repeat that is 43 days after Yasi/Queensland with 340 KMH winds. 43 days was the number of days the Great Islamabad Earthquake followed the landfall of Hurricane Katrina.

This is to be continued, I will update later!!!

I have no professional training in the field of earthquakes or geology and my training is as a carpenter and some automotive work background so please do not rely on any of my information as official, it is just your basic EQ Blog written by a boy sitting up in his moms basement in Wisconsin USA. Thank-You for reading!!! EQ Guy

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